The portfolio of evidence as a qualification modality in the Normal Schools


  • Laura Irene Dino-Morales Centro Universitario CIFE, Morelos, México
  • Sergio Tobón Centro Universitario CIFE, Morelos, México



Professional competencies, Assessment, Future teachers, Portfolio of evidence


The purpose of the following documentary research was to reflect about the importance and use of the portfolio of evidence as a mode of qualification in normal schools; this implies that the future teacher reflects and analyzes his formation and development of professional competences, by linking them with his teaching practices. The methodology used consisted in a documentary analysis, as well as the use of conceptual cartography to direct the work to be done. The results obtained allowed to identify the idea of portfolio of evidence from the social-formative approach as a process that joints didactic with assessment, and is focused on talent development from the continuous improvement of evidence. It was possible to determine the following axes in the portfolio methodology: competences selection, evidence determination, evidence systematization, assessment, reflection and analysis, socialization and certification. It is suggested to validate the proposed methodology from the socio-formation and to develop an analytic rubric that enables the appraisal of student’s portfolios as a qualification modality in normal schools.

Author Biographies

Laura Irene Dino-Morales, Centro Universitario CIFE, Morelos, México

Laura Irene Dino Morales. Docente e investigadora en el Centro Universitario CIFE, Cuernavaca, México. Sus principales líneas de investigación comprenden la formación docente y tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Tiene reconocimientos como miembro de la Red de Investigadores Educativos Chihuahua (Rediech) y de la Red de Investigación Acción en América (ARNA). Correo electrónico:

Sergio Tobón, Centro Universitario CIFE, Morelos, México

Sergio Tobón. Docente e investigador en el Centro Universitario CIFE, Cuernavaca, México. Doctor en “Modelos educativos y políticas culturales. Globalización e identidad en la sociedad del conocimiento”. Sus principales líneas de investigación son socioformación y desarrollo del talento; cultura, tecnología y sociedad del conocimiento; diseño y gestión curricular desde la socioformación; mediación socioformativa; y, diseño y validación de instrumentos para evaluar la calidad de vida. Asesor educativo y conferencista en más de 18 países de Iberoamérica. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Correo electrónico:



How to Cite

Dino-Morales, L. I., & Tobón, S. (2017). The portfolio of evidence as a qualification modality in the Normal Schools. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 8(14), 69 - 90.

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