Micro-research as a strategy in the teaching practice of teachers of foreign languages in training





teaching, training, languages, micro-research, teachers, practice


This study reports the results of a research about the use of a teaching strategy named “micro-research”, simple research activities in terms of time consuming, aims, data gathering and analysis, in English as a Foreign Language student teacher program. The research is qualitative; the data source was an open questionnaire aiming to produce a rich description of the research participants, a group of student teachers in the Foreign Language Teaching area. Data was analyzed with the Atlas.ti qualitative data analysis software, giving rise to a list of 31 codes and four categories. Results show that micro-research aids student teachers find teaching problems, improve language teaching, link teaching theory and practice, and prepare a larger research project.

Author Biography

Fernando Peralta-Castro, Universidad de Colima, México

Profesor por asignatura de la Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Colima, México. Es doctor en lenguas modernas por la Universidad de Southampton. En años recientes ha publicado varios artículos, entre los que se encuentran “Language teachers improving their practice and generating knowledge through action research” y “Enseñar investigación a millennials: los retos del investigador X”. Es miembro de la Red de Cuerpos Académicos de Lenguas Extranjeras, que alberga universidades y escuelas normales mexicanas.


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How to Cite

Peralta-Castro, F. (2020). Micro-research as a strategy in the teaching practice of teachers of foreign languages in training. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 11, e840. https://doi.org/10.33010/ie_rie_rediech.v11i0.840