The family context and its relationship with academic performance
family, family context, parenting style, academic performanceAbstract
The main purpose of the present study was to know the relationship that the family context has with the academic performance of the students, so it was decided to work through a post-positivist paradigm, a quantitative approach with a non-experimental transectional design. On the information collected, descriptive and inferential statistics were applied that showed the following results: There is no association between the socioeconomic level of the family variable with the academic performance of the students; family climate and parenting style are associated with the academic performance of their children; a correlation of .335 was also found among the school support provided by parents to children with their academic performance, in relation to the family context of the students and their academic performance, a correlation of .339 was obtained. The conclusion is that it is essential to implement actions on the Continuous Improvement Scholar Program that address the problems that arise from the family climate, in addition to establishing effective communication with parents to achieve awareness and commitment in training, parenting and education of their children.
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