The shaky foundations of the contemporary new school
Context, school, social functions, educational processes, technologyAbstract
Starting from an analysis of the characteristics of the contemporary school and the needs it faces to fulfill its educational and social function, a broad study is carried about the positions that various authors have presented regarding the different functions that it exercises in its formative role. Thus, a hermeneutical documentary investigation is carried out that aims to categorize and distinguish the current school from the perspective of critics who have observed beyond the educational processes that take place within it and thus understand the role of school and its need to reinvent itself in a context that has surpassed it. Therefore, it is found that school has fulfilled various social rather than pedagogical functions, mostly oriented towards maintaining the conditions that the surrounding context imposes on it, therefore, it is concluded that its structure and organization have contributed greatly to perpetuating structural conditions that generally lean towards the oppression of the vulnerable; however, in the face of changes in today’s society, its traditional structure is threatened due to its decontextualized functions.
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