Cybersecurity in higher education institutions: An analysis from the perspective of Protection Motivation Theory
cybersecurity, behavior, higher education, data protection, Protection Motivation TheoryAbstract
The importance of cybersecurity in the education sector lies in protecting sensitive data and information and maintaining a safe and reliable environment for students, faculty, and administrative staff. This research aims to analyze the factors influencing cybersecurity behavior of employees in higher education institutions in Northeastern Mexico. Protection Motivation Theory is used to understand the motivations and decisions related to digital security practices. For the method, 159 surveys were analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Results reveal that cybersecurity awareness positively influences both self-efficacy and response efficacy. Perceived severity and response self-efficacy are significant predictors of cybersecurity behavior. Interestingly, protection habit positively relates to self-efficacy but not to response efficacy. Moreover, no significant relationship was found between response efficacy and cybersecurity behavior. The findings emphasize the need for a holistic approach that considers individual and organizational factors to promote effective security practices within the Mexican educational context.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Francisco Isaí Morales Sáenz, José Melchor Medina Quintero , Demian Abrego Almazan

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