Towards the statistical enculturation of citizens: reflections in the context of COVID-19 epidemic
Statistics, teaching strategies, Mathematics teaching, statistical reasoning, critical thinkingAbstract
In this article we analyze the importance of statistical literacy on citizens, particularizing in the context of the statistical information generated on the COVID-19 disease in Mexico. The theoretical support of the research is provided by the constructs of enculturation, statistical literacy, and representations, to establish relationships between data. We have used a qualitative approach based on document analysis to identify the relationships and types of representations that are used to communicate information in official technical reports, as well as the review of the basic and high school curriculum. Among the main findings, it is highlighted that the information on COVID-19 is provided mainly through graphs, percentages, averages, models, and risks. Statistical contents to understand the information are integrated into the curriculum; however, the absence of the critical and reflective component pointed out by some models for development of statistical culture stands out.
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