Identification of errors in basic concepts of programming principles
algorithms, content analysis, flowcharts, higher education, performance testsAbstract
Creating algorithms at the university is the first step to introduce the student to computer programming. A skill crucial to consider since various investigations have reported that many times the student has shown poor academic performance in these courses due to the complexity of the contents, because they do not have something tangible to test the algorithm and because solving problems requires effort, creativity, and other skills. This research focused on the subject of Algorithms of the Tizimín Multidisciplinary Unit in which many students fail to achieve the required knowledge, being the academic performance at the end of the course inadequate. It was decided to find out exactly in which subjects the students have problems when creating their algorithms, a situation not analyzed, and once these were determined, they could serve as support for a learning methodology through the Scratch programming language, which has been used to help the student in their academic performance. The research was qualitative, subject to content analysis applied to course performance tests. 1037 items were analyzed obtaining a list of errors and the effectiveness of their use in the courses taught was tested.
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