Formative research of nursing students: A mixed study with sequence design
Formative research, research competences, students, nursing, private UniversityAbstract
Formative research is the process of acquiring, constructing and reconstructing knowledge inside and outside the classroom, which has procedural analogies with educational research. The objective of this article is to describe the perceptions of nursing students from a semi-school system on the use of formative research in subjects of Research Seminar classes at a private university in Puebla. An explanatory sequential mixed design was used. In the quantitative phase, the sample size was 429 nursing students. The instrument “Perception of formative research in university students” was applied. The qualitative phase was made up of 15 nursing students from 21 to 50 years of age. In the results of the qualitative phase two categories were identified: the student’s learning difficulties in the research seminar classes and the role of the methodologies teacher in these subjects. In the quantitative phase, perception levels of the formative research were identified. It is concluded that the formative research of nursing students in a semi-school system, social factors and the environment established by the teacher of research methodologies are actively involved.
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