Analysis of the training intervention project for the implementation of the hybrid pedagogical approach in higher education institutions
Educational sciences, comparative education, digital education, higher distance education, university educationAbstract
This study addresses the analysis of the training intervention project of the hybrid pedagogical approach in a higher education institution, in response to the changes that have arisen in pedagogical models due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The hybrid approach emerged as an alternative solution to the need to adapt educational options to changing contexts in which face-to-face and virtual teaching alternate. The objective was to analyze the impact of the training of academic staff regarding the proposal of a hybrid approach. The research was descriptive and exploratory with a quantitative approach, evaluating the relevance of the course “Management and development of learning in hybrid modality”. The correlational results show a relationship between the hiring type variables and the interest in teaching classes in the hybrid option, and a negative relationship between age and said interest. The intervention project positively influences the disposition of academic staff towards the hybrid approach. It is concluded that the research provides favorable results on the effectiveness of training initiatives for the adoption of non-conventional educational options.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Alejandro Gazca Herrera, César Augusto Mejía Gracia, Alma Delia Otero Escobar

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