Early childhood education in the Nordic countries: innovative initiatives
Active learning, childhood, educational institutions, Nordic countries, educational innovation, skillsAbstract
This article gives an overview of how early childhood education is developed in the Nordic countries and describes innovative experiences of early childhood education in each of them. The Nordic countries include Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland together with their dependent territories, i.e. Greenland and the islands of Svalbard, Jan Mayen, Faroe and Åland. The educational innovations described in each of the countries are not unique to that country, but they all form a framework for the development of so-called 21st century skills. All the initiatives are developed around the child as the protagonist of the teaching-learning process; active participation, reflection, communication, creative problem solving and the use of thinking tools are some of the skills developed by these initiatives in favour of the concept of education as human capital, where children are seen as fundamental resources for the formation of an egalitarian, autonomous, proactive society, and part of a systemic whole.
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