UNACH Campus IV students’ perspective on emergency remote teaching
Education, teaching strategies, epidemic, educational programs, teaching resourcesAbstract
Resulting from the pandemic, educational institutions had to implement online teaching strategies so that their students could continue their studies. The objective of this research, carried out under a qualitative approach with a non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive-explanatory scope, is to know the perspective that 273 students have on emergency remote education, who began their studies in August-December 2020, in the Faculties and Schools of the C-IV of the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH). Results showed that 64.4% of the students agree that UNACH provided them with the resources for their online learning; however, 56.6% of them do not adapt to this modality, because there are insecurities about the quality of learning since 79.4% think that their courses are deficient, due to problems with the internet and the didactic strategies used by teachers.
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