Evaluation of the vocational maturity of technological high school students in Northwestern Mexico
Vocational orientation, vocational education, technical high school, high schoolAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the competences for vocational decision-making of the students of a higher secondary education institution. The research is of quantitative order, with a descriptive approach, of a transversal nature. The sample consisted of 191 students (from 2nd, 4th, and 6th semesters) from a Center for Industrial and Services Technological Studies of Northwestern Mexico. The results shows that the academic training of students shows deficiencies which constitute negative factors that significantly affect decisions about their academic and professional future after concluding high school; however, differences in training needs and perspectives were identified between the characteristics of the participants and the degree they are studying.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Edgar Catarino Guerra Casillas, Carlos Javier Del Cid García, Briza Sinaí Ramírez González
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