Meanings given to the literals by high school and incoming college students
Literal, semiotic representations, meaning, transformationAbstract
This research work explores the meanings that high school and engineering and bachelor's degree in Mathematics students give to literals in the development of a task. The problem of differentiating the roles of the literal as constant, general number or unknown quantity, and the meanings according to Küchemann’s (1980) classification, as well as its possible incidence in the errors made by the students when solving an algebraic item, is investigated. The instrument used is part of a standardized test in which, starting from a geometric context, a transformation process must be carried out to obtain an algebraic writing. The objective is to identify the meanings given by the students to the literals in the resolution of a task, as a previous phase of didactic proposals or indications that allow redirecting the mathematical work carried out. The results show that the meaning of the literal as an object and as unknown quantity predominates among high school students, in contrast with Mathematics students, for whom the meaning adopted is as a general number...
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rosa Elvira Páez Murillo, Judith Alejandra Hernández Sánchez, Darly Alina Ku Euán
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