Rural University communities: Performance of working memory and fluid intelligence




Rural education, distance higher education, working memory


This study pursued three objectives, the first of which was to compare the working memory capacity in the verbal and visuospatial domains between students from two rural communities in the distance learning modality. The second was to compare fluid intelligence between both groups, and the third was to compare the working memory scores of both communities with those obtained by an urban community with similar characteristics. Following a quantitative approach, a descriptive study was carried out with 33 university students in each group, of whom 45% were women with an average age of 20.9 years and 20.6 years in men. To measure working memory, complex span tasks were applied with stimuli from the verbal and visuospatial domains. To measure fluid intelligence, the Raven’s Progressive Matrices test general scale was applied. In both measurements, the scores were similar between both rural communities and in the comparison with the urban community, for the latter, higher scores were found in the tasks of the visuospatial domain. This suggests that the context of the students may have played an important role in the measurements obtained, according to similar previous works.

Author Biographies

Martín Guerrero Posadas, Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí, México

Es Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales, Maestro en Ingeniería de la Computación y Doctor en Educación con orientación en Liderazgo en educación superior. Ha sido jefe de Educación a Distancia del ITSLP, además ha impartido clases a nivel maestría en el área de evaluación y tecnología educativa. También ha sido asesor de tesis a nivel maestría. Cuenta con publicaciones en revistas académicas y ha publicado varios capítulos de libros, además ha sido conferencista en diferentes eventos académicos.

Ismael Esquivel Gámez, Universidad Veracruzana Región Veracruz, México

Se ha desempeñado en el ámbito de la tecnología de información, como desarrollador, consultor, empresario, instructor e investigador. Cuenta con estudios de grado y posgrado en esta misma área. Es miembro del Registro Conacyt de Evaluadores Acreditados (RCEA) y del Padrón Veracruzano de Investigadores. Posee los reconocimientos al Perfil Prodep y del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel 1. Sus áreas de interés son multimedia educativa y el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas, apoyado en tecnología de información.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Posadas, M., & Esquivel Gámez, I. (2023). Rural University communities: Performance of working memory and fluid intelligence. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 14, e1710.