The Bachelor of Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education 2018 study plan: A disruptive experience for some of the Normal School teachers
Curriculum, Normal School, normalist teachers, experiences, curricular contentsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze and understand the points of view and experiences elucidated by ten teachers of the Escuela Normal Superior de México (ENSM) about the 2018 study plan of the Bachelor of Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education. For its achievement, the qualitative methodology is used from the life story referent, and an interview script is prepared aimed at answering the following research questions: “What do the normalist teachers think about the 2018 study plan?”, “What uncertain situations have you faced?”, “ What curricular contents do you consider viable?”, “What is missing from the curriculum?” The results show the fragmentation and repetition of programmatic contents. It is distinguished as an imperative need to eradicate the normative criteria that oppose to integrate as advisors those professors who do not have the academic degree of master. They show signs of concern about the lack of curricular content on general didactics. Finally, they gladly admit the professional practice training path and reveal the importance of having included research content in the classroom, the situated teaching approach and their respective learning strategies.
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