Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom in the satisfaction and mathematical training of students during the confinement by COVID-19. Case study





Experiential learning, postgraduate, mathematical reasoning, academic achievement, problem solving


The objective of the research is to assess the effectiveness of the flipped classroom in the satisfaction and mathematical training of graduate students during confinement due to COVID-19, to determine their improvement in academic performance. The type of study corresponds to a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design. It is also a case study for a graduate degree in administration on students’ experiences with the flipped classroom. The sample consisted of 32 participants. The instrument used was a questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale that measured student satisfaction and mathematical training. The results indicate the existence of statistically significant differences (t = 4.813, p = 0.000) between pre-test and post-test; the flipped classroom fosters quality in mathematical training by achieving experiential learning based on problem solving and digital teaching resources. Also, it develops mathematical notation, variable identification, formulation of strategic solutions, and mathematical reasoning. The main conclusion is the flipped classroom effectiveness in the improvement of academic performance besides developing high student satisfaction and mathematical training during the confinement.

Author Biography

Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Instituto Politécnico Nacional / ESCA ST, México

Profesor-Investigador de la Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración, Unidad Santo Tomás del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México. Es Doctor en Ciencias Administrativas y cuenta con una Maestría en Ciencias en Administración y Desarrollo de la Educación del IPN. Entre sus publicaciones recientes se encuentra el artículo “”omputational self-efficacy and information skills in postgraduate students in administration at the times of COVID-19” (2021) y capítulo de libro “The Training of de Digital Competence at the Postgraduate Level for a Knowledge-Based Economy” (2021). Actualmente es el coordinador del Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas que se encuentra registrado en el Sistema Nacional de Posgrados del Conacyt.


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How to Cite

Cardoso Espinosa, E. O. (2022). Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom in the satisfaction and mathematical training of students during the confinement by COVID-19. Case study. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 13, e1504. https://doi.org/10.33010/ie_rie_rediech.v13i0.1504