The historical construction of flamenco dancing as an educational discipline: Andalusia 16th-21st century




flamenco dancing, informal education, non-formal education, formal education


This article aims to undertake a short historical journey through the different educational stages of flamenco dancing over the centuries (from the 16th century up to the present day), using the three concepts of informal, non-formal and formal education. We have found, since flamenco dancing began, that informal education has been the main type of education, which continues to date. During the mid-18th century, the teaching of flamenco dancing began to become systemized in academies called salones, which are currently increasing in number. Lastly, formal education appeared somewhat late and was included in the conservatories of high level education as a specialty in 2007. The late appearance of said formal education denotes the lack of attention paid by administrations amid the evident educational demand for flamenco dancing.


Author Biography

Bárbara de las Heras Monastero, Universidad de Jaén, Andalucía, España

Bárbara de las Heras Monastero. Profesora de la Universidad de Jaén, Andalucía, España. Es licenciada en Pedagogía y titulada del Máster en Gestión Cultural en el año 2008 en la Universidad de Sevilla. Ha sido becaria predoctoral por el IV Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla (2009-2013). Su tesis doctoral se presenta en 2018 con el título La enseñanza del baile flamenco en las academias de Sevilla: el legado de tres generaciones de maestras y maestros (1940-2010). Su producción científica está centrada en la educación del baile flamenco, así como en la educación de la danza en general: enseñanza, profesorado, política educativa, educación emocional y creatividad, educación estética.



How to Cite

de las Heras Monastero, B. (2018). The historical construction of flamenco dancing as an educational discipline: Andalusia 16th-21st century. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 9(17), 145 - 164.