Microlearning: instructional innovations in virtual education scenario





educational innovation, higher education, online learning


Microlearning refers to short, concise, often digital and mobile learning; due to its versatility in media and formats, as well as the possibilities of its application under different pedagogies, it represents an alternative of instructional innovation connected with Digital Era practices, demanded by virtual education in higher education scenarios. Therefore, the aim of this work was to understand the development of innovations in relation to the theoretical approaches used as analytical support of microlearning for virtual environments, differentiating the stages of the innovative process based on elements of reported scientific production knowledge. A documentary theoretical methodological approach was used aimed at compiling, analyzing and categorizing research under different innovation stages. Findings showed little use of theory to support research, although studies referring to an initial stage of innovation also stood out. At this stage contributions to empirical knowledge were on theoretical analyses and implementation models. It is concluded that the analysis and evolutionary perspective of microlearning advances present the bases to theoretically support instructional innovations, required from the students’ perspective, due to the growing technological interaction to which they are exposed.

Author Biographies

Fabiola Salas Díaz, Universidad de Sonora, México

Es maestra en Ciencias de la Computación por el Tecnológico Nacional de México e ingeniera en Sistemas de Información por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Actualmente estudia en el programa de doctorado en Innovación Educativa en la línea de investigación de Estudiantes y Tecnología en Educación Superior.

Edgar Oswaldo González Bello, Universidad de Sonora, México

Es doctor en Ciencias Sociales y maestro en Innovación Educativa. Es miembro del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa y cuenta con los reconocimientos al perfil Prodep y del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

Etty Haydeé Estévez Nénninger, Universidad de Sonora, México

Es doctora en Ciencias con Especialidad en Investigaciones Educativas por el IPN-Cinvestav y maestra en Educación por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Es miembro del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa. Tiene los reconocimientos al perfil Prodep y del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.


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How to Cite

Salas Díaz, F., González Bello, E. O. ., & Estévez Nénninger, E. H. . (2021). Microlearning: instructional innovations in virtual education scenario. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 12, e1262. https://doi.org/10.33010/ie_rie_rediech.v12i0.1262