From de concept of the gifted to the high capacities and the talent




gifted, high capacities, talent


This essay addresses the concept of gifted alumnus that is used in Mexico and contrasts with the “High Capacities” coined in some areas of international order. In the Mexican Educational System, this sector of the population is part of the diversity of the regular school and therefore is attended within the framework of educational inclusion that the national education policy demands. In the face of this, it is necessary to reflect on the implications that entails the use of said terminology and its impact on the detection and intervention process. At first, the document addresses the origin of the concept implemented by the Public Education Secretariat in 2006 and the theoretical models that gave rise to it, up to defining the gifted student. Subsequently, the concept implemented by the European High Capacity Council and the elements that support this definition are addressed. A fundamental part of the analysis presented in the text refers to talent as another element of the conceptual debate involving this demographic. Finally, a series of pertinent conclusions are made about the implications for Mexico of the use of a concept in comparison with international terminology.


Author Biography

Pedro Covarrubias Pizarro, Investigador independiente, Chihuahua, México

Pedro Covarrubias Pizarro. Investigador independiente, Chihuahua, México. Doctor en Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua y maestro en Educación Especial por la Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala. Es miembro de la Red de Investigadores Educativos Chihuahua AC y se desempeñó como catedrático en la Institución Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de Chihuahua Profr. Luis Urías Belderráin. Ha sido ponente y tallerista en diferentes congresos nacionales e internacionales, asesor de tesis de licenciatura y maestría y dictaminador de ponencias para congresos, artículos arbitrados para diferentes revistas científicas y capítulos de libros. Tiene publicaciones a manera de artículos, ponencias y capítulos de libros. Actualmente investiga y brinda asesoría en el tema de las altas capacidades.



How to Cite

Covarrubias Pizarro, P. (2018). From de concept of the gifted to the high capacities and the talent. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 9(17), 53 - 67.