Digital literacy in basic education in Mexico: documentary analysis of the curriculum




digital literacy, basic education in Mexico, document analysis, dimensions


This research begins from the analysis of the archives that make up the curriculum of basic education in the United Mexican States, to determine the degree of integration of digital alphabetization (DA). To carry out this research, nine dimensions were defined, and indicators (keywords) established that served as search terms in official documents. From the analyzed records was observed that all the dimensions of digital alphabetization considered were found in the basic curriculum level, critical thinking being the dimension with the greatest presence and computational thinking the one with the least presence. The results obtained allow us to affirm that digital alphabetization is among the points considered important in basic education.

Author Biography

William Reyes, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México

Es doctor en Educación y cuenta con especialidad en Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje por Virtual Educa (Argentina). Tiene reconocimiento al perfil Prodep. Ha publicado en revistas de prestigio internacional en el área de educación y tecnologías como Reifop (2019), Apertura (2020) y Etic@net (2018 y 2021). Es miembro de la Red Interamericana de Liderazgo y Prácticas Educativas con sede en la Universidad Ciego de Ávila (Cuba).


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How to Cite

Reyes, W. (2021). Digital literacy in basic education in Mexico: documentary analysis of the curriculum. IE Revista De Investigación Educativa De La REDIECH, 12, e1155.