Published 2023-12-31
- Unemployment,
- entrepreneurs,
- planning,
- foresight
- Desempleo,
- emprendedores,
- planeación,
- prospectiva
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Problem: The students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Administration at TESVB experience great difficulty and even despair when they are required to apply the knowledge obtained in the different previous subjects in the Business Plan, the topics and subtopics included in the business plan are too many and lack order, the time allocated is limited (three months) and it is also difficult for them to form an effective work team that can sustain their enterprise. Objective: To diagnose the past performance of the students of the last two generations of the Bachelor’s Degree in Administration of TESVB, in the elaboration and execution of business plans. Objective: Diagnose the past performance of students of the last two generations of the TESVB Bachelor of Administration, in the development and execution of business plans. Methodology: It began with the documentary analysis of the contributions and experiences of specialists in the subject of preparing business plans to know the state of the art, the design of an instrument for collecting information, which was validated with the statistical coefficient called Cronbach’s Alpha, the population was determined, the sample size was calculated and the appropriate type of sampling was selected, subsequently the measurement instrument was applied with the Google Forms application and teachers involved in the topics of entrepreneurship and business plans that have been advisors or judges, the information was finally processed and analyzed. Results: The strengths generated by the preparation of a business plan...
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