Published 2023-06-03
- Teacher attitudes,
- autism,
- emotions,
- school inclusion
- Actitudes del profesor,
- autismo,
- emociones,
- inclusión escolar
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The purpose of this work is to share the experiences of teachers who have interacted with children that exhibit Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The purpose is to generate a reflection about the situations that they face in their teaching practice. The experiences were elicited through narrative, using unstructured interviews and focus groups. The main criterion for selecting the teachers who participated was based on their experience with children with ASD. In the analysis, a description is made of the attitudinal, emotional and stressful aspects that are generated in teachers due to the educational task that taking care of children with ASD represents in the regular classroom, in addition to the remote management of these students during distance education derived from COVID-19. Reflective analyses on the importance of attending through professional training processes are provided, as well as knowledge and attention strategies towards children with ASD in the process of educational inclusion.
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