Perspective about the experiences of university students during the confinement of 2021, emotional aspect
Published 2022-12-31
- Depression,
- emotions,
- students,
- perspective
- Depresión,
- emociones,
- estudiantes,
- perspectiva
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This article is part of an investigation carried out with 93 students of the bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy of the Open Teaching System (SEA) of the Universidad Veracruzana (UV), in the State of Veracruz, Mexico. The research explores four areas: physical and emotional health, academic and administrative; in this article we only show the results of the emotional area. The objective is to identify how students experienced the emotional aspect during the confinement from COVID-19. The research was developed with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive, with a non-probabilistic sample chosen for convenience following certain inclusion criteria. The information was obtained through an instrument (questionnaire) with open-ended and closed questions applied through Google Forms and distributed by electronic means, mainly cellphones since more than 51.64% of the students are from places outside of Xalapa and even from other states. The results show that anxiety appears first in students, followed by insomnia, irritability, nervousness, depression, fear, and other symptoms in a lower percentage, such as apathy, anger, feeling of suffocation, panic and sweating. It is worth mentioning that most of the students manifested presenting several of these emotions.
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