RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa <p class="Default"><em>RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa</em> es una publicación de frecuencia continua anual especializada en tema educativos, que recibe propuestas de manera permanente. Difunde avances y productos finales de investigaciones educativas, reflexiones teórico-metodológicas y reseñas de libros en formato corto. Organiza los trabajos en torno a ejes temáticos, con el propósito de abarcar el fenómeno educativo desde una perspectiva amplia. Es editada por la Red de Investigadores Educativos Chihuahua A.C. y se basa en una política de acceso abierto.</p> es-ES <p>Todos los contenidos de <em>RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa </em>se publican bajo una licencia <a href="">Creative Commons Atribución No Comercial 4.0 Internacional</a>, que permite compartir (copiar y redistribuir el material en cualquier medio o formato) y adaptar (remezclar, transformar y construir a partir del material) para fines no comerciales, dando los créditos a los autores y a la revista, tal como lo establece la licencia.</p> <p> La política de acceso abierto y de licencias con “algunos derechos reservados” no niega la propiedad intelectual ni los derechos de los autores respecto a sus artículos, pues ellos son los titulares, en tanto que <em>RECIE. 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Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa </em>asumirá el compromiso de notificar oportunamente a los autores sobre cualquier cambio de ubicación de los artículos en el sitio (cambio de dirección URL o de conexiones para identificar el artículo).</p> <p> Los autores, al enviar sus trabajos para su posible publicación, deberán tomar en cuenta los puntos anteriores, mismos que se contemplan en el Acuerdo entre autor y <em>RECIE. Revista Electrónica Científica de Investigación Educativa.</em></p> (Bertha Ivonne Sánchez Luján) (Apoyo Técnico) Mon, 09 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 From normalist teacher to socialist ideologist: José de Jesús Barrón Zúñiga and his contributions in the Cardenista period (1934-1940) <p>Among the most representative figures of the 20th century teaching profession, a group of normalist teachers who were the architects of political and educational projects that left a deep mark on society and who are currently representative of the socialist stage of education in Chihuahua (1934-1940) stands out. This research work deals with rescuing the life and work of José de Jesús Barrón Zúñiga, whose political ideology, proletarian origin and revolutionary spirit led him to go through a multifaceted life: that of a student leader, young teacher and established ideologist. The work is part of the project “Figuras del magisterio chihuahuense”, which seeks to rescue the biographies of the teachers whose contributions marked the course of the educational system in the state of Chihuahua in different stages and historical moments. The methodology for the development of the research is part of biographical studies, characterized by venturing into the lives of personages (alive or dead) that are relevant to a specific theme, for which primary sources located in the Municipal Historical Archive and in the Historical Archive of the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua are used. Additionally, information from oral testimonies obtained from interviews with family and friends of the personage in question is incorporated. The importance of this work lies in the fact of rescuing the personage’s educational contributions, since his work is unknown by current generations, in part because of the ideology he professed throughout his life.</p> Jesús Adolfo Trujillo Holguín, Francisco Alberto Pérez Piñón, Stefany Liddiard Cáredenas Copyright (c) 2023 Jesús Adolfo Trujillo Holguín, Francisco Alberto Pérez Piñón, Stefany Liddiard Cáredenas Mon, 09 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 States of knowledge: Scientific articles <p>As part of the states of knowledge of the area of History and historiography of education, which address the temporality from 2008 to 2018, this paper is presented as an advance in what corresponds to the section of scientific articles; the narrative of how they were recovered is made, body of the work mentions how was the grouping done, and the core, the analysis focused on the search of theoretical elements, either from its approach or from the analyzes and reflections present in the articles, finding absences of theoretical elements and more towards the way of working the discipline in an artisanal way, directly to the sources and from there to the narration, making clear the need to turn our gaze towards the approaches of historiographical theory. It is not superfluous to make history transparent, because it is done, beyond looking at the past to find truths, but as a way of finding in the history and historiography of education reflections that abound in the usefulness of that past in the present.</p> Francisco Alberto Pérez Piñón, Izabela Tkocz, Stefany Liddiard Cárdenas Copyright (c) 2023 Francisco Alberto Pérez Piñón, Izabela Tkocz, Stefany Liddiard Cárdenas Thu, 11 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Jesuit indigenous boarding schools in the Tarahumara Sierra: Historical considerations <p>A brief historical reconstruction of the indigenous boarding schools of the Society of Jesus at the beginning of the 20th century in the Sierra Tarahumara is communicated. The study is part of the project “One hundred years of indigenous and rural education in a transdisciplinary perspective: Stories and social inequality” with which Conacyt –National Council for Science and Technology– through the Border Science program (2021-2022) is supporting five higher education institutions in the Mexican Republic.</p> Federico J. Mancera-Valencia, Francisco Javier Ortíz Mendoza Copyright (c) 2023 Federico J. Mancera-Valencia, Francisco Javier Ortíz Mendoza Thu, 11 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The state of knowledge of gender in education in Chihuahuan research <p>This paper recovers an assessment made of Chihuahuan educational research produced between 2009 and 2019. The inclusion criteria were: that the research was carried out with the category of gender, and that it has the Chihuahuan educational context as an empirical reference or, in the case of a theoretical production, its author being from Chihuahua. By means of a hermeneutical methodology and three analysis file cards, all localized production was assessed: books, book chapters, indexed journal articles, doctoral theses and research reports. The findings show a better quality and quantity of production than the one valued in the previous decade state of knowledge. Studies that position themselves as gender studies but are really based on biological elements were located; most of the studies are theoretically positioned from the gender perspective, and, finally, a few were located that go beyond binary identity and heteropatriarchal sex-gender orientation. Qualitative methodologies and the study of subjects in elementary education continue to prevail.</p> Romelia Hinojosa Luján Copyright (c) 2023 Romelia Hinojosa Luján Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The methodology on educational research as an object of study in Chihuahua's research production <p>This study gives an account of the status of the research production related to educational research methods in Chihuahua, during the decade of 2009-2019. First, it presents a descriptive cartography about the type of production, the dissemination methods, the way in which it was produced, the academic space in which it was discussed, and the institution where it was produced, where the researchers who debate in this field are located. It presents a qualitative analysis of the production that was found, which is judged from a critical and complex perspective. The perception of the method, the use of theory, the subject’s role and the conception of the research process was detected. Three categories are developed, two of them of action-research, the first on technical and practical approaches applied in teacher training, in the knowledge of educational practices or in specific aspects such as the development of professional practices or in learning assessment. The participatory approach was also found, attached to sociology and critical pedagogy, which visualizes it as a strategy to know and transform the social and educational reality in a fair way. About interpretive methods, only arguments about historical methods were developed, others such as hermeneutics or ethnography are mentioned, but not addressed. It is concluded that the methodology of educational research is still pending on the agenda of researchers in Chihuahua.</p> Sandra Vega Villarreal, Alba Rosalía Núñez Soto Copyright (c) 2023 Sandra Vega Villarreal, Alba Rosalía Núñez Soto Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The instituted, generator of a rationalist University <p>This study, from the theory of imaginary meanings of society, symbolic theory and psychoanalysis, observes the sense and meaning of such meanings, what they are, and what they mean. In other words, it analyzes the way in which the instituted is manifested and the way that allows to visualize how the rationalist character of the university is gestated and expressed, in relation to the indiscriminate use of the symbolic, which is gestated in a symbolic network that frames and directs its action; that is to say, it gives priority and direction in its actions to the legitimization of power, fundamentally, attached to the norm and the legal system. This entails, on one hand, observing not only a functionalist vision of the academic and administrative reality –which generates discontent and contempt for authority figures–, but also a distancing from all university projects. On the other hand, said vision generates omissions in strategies for an adequate professional training and a solid conformation of the institutional identity of the students of the Bachelor of Pedagogy, which in most cases is disturbed in the process of professional practices.</p> Gerardo Roacho Payán Copyright (c) 2023 Gerardo Roacho Payán Thu, 01 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Indigenous students’ narratives about English learning and the connection with other languages <p>A report of partial results of a larger research is presented, which explores the narratives that indigenous students of a Rural Normal School of the North of Mexico have about learning English, and how this process is connected to their native language and the acquisition of Spanish. The research uses the constructivist paradigm and the interpretative approach to identify the perceptions of six key informants, through in-depth interviews as part of the narrative and biographical method. The results show that students experience an acculturation process that makes them abandon their native language in favor of the use of Spanish, which is the predominant language in the different educational levels. In this sense, tensions between cultural identity of the family origin and their performance in other contexts, such as higher education, is identified. In regards to English learning, a late and sporadic contact is observed, which is formalized once they access higher education.</p> Ana Arán Sánchez, David Manuel Arzola Franco, Vera Lucía Ríos Cepeda Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Arán Sánchez, David Manuel Arzola Franco, Vera Lucía Ríos Cepeda Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Challenges initial education faces regarding educational inclusionChallenges initial education faces regarding educational inclusion <p>The purpose of this study is to present the challenges faced by initial education in the absence of a methodological framework that develops inclusion processes. It is necessary for the State to offer parents early care that goes from 45 days after birth to 36 months of age, since the latter is the minimum age for admission to preschool. This inquiry is framed within a qualitative approach, as an interpretative paradigm, in which the research technique of structured interviews was used, these were applied to the school community of a Multiple Attention Center in the State of Chihuahua, which answered fundamental questions for this research. From the present work, initial education is conceived as a necessary basis to develop inclusive processes in schools. The need to establish spaces that can offer a quality service to the population with disabilities, adaptations of access in educational spaces and a staff informed about the subject is identified, it is concluded that the initial education is an area of opportunity from the perspective of the interviewees.</p> Aideé Esmeralda Villagrán Valenzuela, Ruth Nohemí Oros Macías, César Delgado Valles Copyright (c) 2023 Aideé Esmeralda Villagrán Valenzuela, Ruth Nohemí Oros Macías, César Delgado Valles Thu, 11 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Family experiences of students that face learning and participation barriers. Realities facing the scholar discourse on inclusive education <p>The objective of this qualitative research was to analyze the experiences of mothers of elementary school students regarding the care of their children by school personnel as well as by personnel who specialize in dealing with various barriers to learning and participation (BLP), to whom they had resorted to, based on the guidance and requests of the teaching staff of the schools where their children study. A case study was implemented, using semi-structured interviews in which 15 mothers participated. The results show that there are differences, tensions and contradictions between the willingness of schools and teachers to attend to children and adolescents that face BLP, because, while there are cases in which they have sensitivity, information and relevant training, there are also situations in which there is discrimination; although the social development of children and adolescents that face BLP improves with their inclusion in schools, it is necessary to transform the curricular approach so that inclusive education advances. On the part of the specialized care services, there was a shortage of options, excessive costs for studies and consultations, as well as negative attitudes when providing the requested service. There is a need for a closer connection between the school environment and the specialized services one, as well as institutional options that support the care of students with high social and economic vulnerability.</p> Yessica Trujillo González, Beatriz Anguiano Escobar, Diana Irasema Cervantes Arreola Copyright (c) 2023 Yessica Trujillo González, Beatriz Anguiano Escobar, Diana Irasema Cervantes Arreola Wed, 24 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Teaching experiences in tending to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) <p>The purpose of this work is to share the experiences of teachers who have interacted with children that exhibit Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The purpose is to generate a reflection about the situations that they face in their teaching practice. The experiences were elicited through narrative, using unstructured interviews and focus groups. The main criterion for selecting the teachers who participated was based on their experience with children with ASD. In the analysis, a description is made of the attitudinal, emotional and stressful aspects that are generated in teachers due to the educational task that taking care of children with ASD represents in the regular classroom, in addition to the remote management of these students during distance education derived from COVID-19. Reflective analyses on the importance of attending through professional training processes are provided, as well as knowledge and attention strategies towards children with ASD in the process of educational inclusion.</p> Roberto Esparza Reyes, Yunuen Socorro Rangel Ledezma, Ana María González Ortiz Copyright (c) 2023 Roberto Esparza Reyes, Yunuen Socorro Rangel Ledezma, Ana María González Ortiz Sat, 03 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Migrant teacher’s inclusion in the Chilean educational system <p>This article gives an account of an investigation whose objective is to stress labor inclusion access for everyone, this being an essential right for survival, whichever their condition and human situation is. It is sustained by the review of bibliographic evidence, as well as first-person accounts of qualified migrant professionals from Latin American countries who have arrived in Chile in recent years. In this article, a critical stance is assumed in order to raise the reader’s awareness and to observe how certain public policies intervene in qualified inclusion.</p> Monona María Valdés Cortez, Eugenio Alejandro Delgado-Horta, Carlos Antonio Rodríguez-Salazar Copyright (c) 2023 Monona María Valdés Cortez, Eugenio Alejandro Delgado-Horta, Carlos Antonio Rodríguez-Salazar Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Why publish the results of an educational research? <p>En los años recientes, las revistas académicas o científicas han sido el medio más utilizado para dar a conocer los resultados de las investigaciones que se llevan a cabo en el ámbito educativo. Una de estas revistas es <em>RECIE</em>, que poco a poco se ha posicionado como un vehículo para dar a conocer aquello que los grupos de investigación, los académicos y sus estudiantes están produciendo en formación de profesores, diseño e implementación de estrategias didácticas, revisión de planes y programas de estudios, análisis de factibilidad para la apertura de nuevas carreras, el impacto que las políticas educativas tienen en los actores de la educación, y todos aquellos temas que impactan en el proceso educativo.</p> Bertha Ivonne Sánchez Luján Copyright (c) 2023 Bertha Ivonne Sánchez Luján Mon, 15 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The disuse of the academic text in professional training <p>Books have been subject of research for a long time and for different reasons; the theme of this work presents a definition of the academic book, although it is not the most complete analysis, it fulfills its contextualization, and continues with the mention of the academic book characteristics in higher education. This work is part of the qualitative research methodology, it is a case study of non-probabilistic sampling. Once the obtained information was reviewed, the following conclusions were drawn: the students do not acquire academic books, they prefer the materials developed by their professors; they go to the school library to develop extracurricular competencies (culture, coferences, chess workshops and reading), but not necessarily to consult the academic books of their career. Although it is true that with the development of technologies books have been designed in different formats, it is important to note that academics prepare to produce texts more frequently from up-to-date materials.</p> Yolanda Navarro Torres Copyright (c) 2023 Yolanda Navarro Torres Thu, 11 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Curriculum research in Chihuahua. A state of knowledge in the period 2007-2021 <p>Educational research in Chihuahua has had a significant development in recent decades due to the opening of new doctoral programs in Mexico. The objective was to judge, from a well-defined theoretical-methodological perspective, the state of the production generated by educational research in Chihuahua regarding the field of curriculum during the 2007-2021 period. The approach was qualitative with a hermeneutic/interpretive paradigm through the interpretive framework of dialogical hermeneutics with the method of content analysis. Descriptive sheets of each of the reviewed documents were used. 109 products were identified, including 14 doctoral theses, 13 book chapters, 9 books, 54 papers and 19 articles published in indexed journals. The aspects identified in the production were the purpose, the theoretical trend, the methodological orientation and resources, as well as the purposes and results, from which the theoretical-methodological trends of the curricular research are identified. It was found that technical and practical interest predominates in curricular research in Chihuahua and the interpretive tradition as a methodological trend.</p> Celia Carrera Hernández, Josefina Madrigal Luna, Yolanda Isaura Lara García Copyright (c) 2023 Celia Carrera Hernández, Josefina Madrigal Luna, Yolanda Isaura Lara García Mon, 21 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis to identify possible research lines for three programs at UMB Jiquipilco <p>Research lines are proposed for consideration and review in each academy of the Universidad Mexiquense del Bicentenario (UMB) Jiquipilco (Architecture, Computer Systems Engineering, and Business Management Engineering). These research lines are intended to guide development and innovation projects that are in line with labor market demands and curriculum plans while focusing on solving real-world problems. This holistic proposal aims to connect thematic content with practical work to enhance university engagement with the context by recognizing social, technical, and economic needs, and attempting to address them through the generation of University research projects. The study was conducted in three phases: first, through semi-structured interviews with Faculty and former Faculty members of each program to understand the content, knowledge, and skills established in the curriculum; in the second phase, by inductively classifying existing graduation projects in the library, grouping them by recurring thematic similarities, and in the third phase, by creating an online survey to understand the needs of companies in the northern region of the State of Mexico and identify the required profile for the job market, in order to redefine research lines. Once these phases were completed, the information was triangulated, resulting in the proposal of six possible research lines for Architecture, eight for Computer Systems Engineering, and five for Business Management Engineering, all grounded in the pursuit of solutions for the specific needs of each program and the environment in which their professionals will operate.</p> Diana Violeta Balderas Vieyra Copyright (c) 2023 Diana Violeta Balderas Vieyra Thu, 05 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A didactic proposal for the change of base, using message encryption <p>This research shows Tecnológico Nacional de México students results of the Linear Algebra course, in developing a data encryption application problem that addresses the concepts of basis and change of basis from the perspective of the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic, with the aim of answering the following research questions: “Are students able to apply the concept of change of basis in the encryption of information?” and “What are the most common mistakes during the process?”. A program in Python language was developed to create the exercises of the encryption activity used to review the students’ responses. After analyzing the results, it was found that students who completed the exercise correctly and that only had arithmetic errors, managed to apply the concepts of base and change of base, with a total of 93.5%.</p> Andrés Hernández-Quintana, Verónica Valenzuela González, Alberto Camacho Ríos Copyright (c) 2023 Andrés Hernández-Quintana, Verónica Valenzuela González, Alberto Camacho Ríos Tue, 17 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Educational program accreditation: the case of the TECNNM/Instituto Tecnológico de San Juan del Río (ITSJR) <p>In Mexico, the right to higher education, supported by the Constitution, underscores the importance of educational quality. This study focuses on the Business Management Engineering program of the TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico de San Juan del Río (ITSJR) and its search for accreditation as a guarantor of continuous improvement. It combines documentary and field research and the updating of the Quality Management System (QMS). A documentary investigation of the reference framework of the accreditation institution is carried out. The accreditation process is formalized by organizing the evaluation visit and analyzing its report to identify improvement actions. The study details the accreditation process from the initial application to the extension of validity for two years, highlighting the importance of planning, teamwork, digital tools and constant review for success. The ITSJR has demonstrated the effectiveness of its accreditation process, focused on strategic planning, constant updating, continuous improvement and effective communication. Obtaining accreditation strengthens its reputation and educational quality. In summary, this study highlights the success of the ITSJR in its accreditation process and suggests maintaining solid strategic planning, constant updating, focus on continuous improvement, effective communication, consideration of the extension of validity, organization of documentation and monitoring of improvement plans as essential elements for the future.</p> Sonia Elizabeth Román Flores, Sahid Armando Méndez Guerrero, José Gabriel Ayala Landeros Copyright (c) 2023 Sonia Elizabeth Román Flores, Sahid Armando Méndez Guerrero, José Gabriel Ayala Landeros Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Biblical principles for an entrepreneur’s finances <p>Within the universities and precursor organizations of economic development, entrepreneurship is promoted, teaching techniques and tools that seek to increase people’s chances of success when starting a business. One of the most important aspects to consider in any business entrepreneurship is the financial aspect. For this reason, financial techniques and tools are taught that allow determining the economic and financial viability of any business project. In financial matters, they focus mainly on technical aspects, which have to do with budgets, sales and cost projections, financial statements and financial evaluation tools. However, there is another source of wisdom and absolute truth that today is disdained and even disqualified, this source is the Bible. It contains an endless number of practical principles that would be valid to adopt when establishing a business. In this sense, every business requires money to start, operate and maintain itself over time; therefore, this work analyzes three aspects that every entrepreneur must take into account regarding money: the first is the right to possess it, the second is how it is seen, and the third is the way in which it is used; these principles are analyzed through the Bible in the “New living translation” version (Biblia Vida, 2023).</p> Adalberto González Flores, Adrián Santos García, Josefina Hernández Sánchez Copyright (c) 2023 Adalberto González Flores, Adrián Santos García, Josefina Hernández Sánchez Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The incongruity of the Dual system and the classic system in higher education in Technological Institutes <p>The present research establishes precedents in its effects, which perhaps nobody wants to focus on or touch due to different issues that lack any certain or logical argument to delve into or provoke a benefit for the students, who are indeed the core mission of every professional training institution. With the Dual system they would acquire the necessary competencies for their professional work aimed at integrating with the daily needs of an educational institution. The Dual training model creates excellent opportunities and dynamics between schools and companies, which, when integrated, train students with the necessary competencies according to each graduation profile. This is because, according to guidelines, it is necessary to fulfill a percentage of credits and a percentage of competencies according to the subject validated in the Dual training program of each institution.</p> J. Matilde Martín Vargas Ugalde, Lucino Hernandez Lumbreras, Angel Alberto Chacón Mendoza Copyright (c) 2023 J. Matilde Martín Vargas Ugalde, Lucino Hernandez Lumbreras, Angel Alberto Chacón Mendoza Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Use of digital technologies by University students for educational purposes in the post-pandemic era <p>The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital tools in educational systems to facilitate the learning processes. This study aimed to examine the use of digital platforms, applications, and sociodigital networks for educational purposes by University students in the State of Zacatecas, Mexico, in the post-pandemic era. To achieve this objective, a quantitative approach with a descriptive cross-sectional design was employed, gathering data through a questionnaire analyzed using SPSS. A sample of 266 individuals was selected, with a 95% confidence level and a 6% margin of error. Among the findings, it was observed that university students in Zacatecas utilize digital tools for educational purposes. Google was identified as the most useful application, with Google Classroom being the most frequently used. Additionally, WhatsApp and Google Classroom were perceived as the most effective tools. Finally, participants considered sociodigital networks to be optimal, efficient, and secure for the learning process, significantly contributing to the academic development of students. Sociodigital networks play a fundamental role in shaping individuals in the 21st century, making their use for educational purposes indispensable.</p> Paola Margarita Chaparro Medina, Rubén Cervantes Hernández, Aixchel Cordero Hidalgo Copyright (c) 2023 Paola Margarita Chaparro Medina, Rubén Cervantes Hernández, Aixchel Cordero Hidalgo Fri, 29 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Web system for monitoring eating habits in elementary education children <p>Childhood overweight and obesity represent global public health issues, and Mexico is not the exception, with an alarming 35.6% of its child population affected, especially during elementary education. One of the reasons why overweight develops at such a young age in children is their accessibility to ultra-processed foods. The Physical Activity Council (PAC) reports that approximately 82 million children over the age of six do not engage in regular physical activity and lack supervision in their diet. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) proposes strategies for maternal and child nutrition for 2020-2030, integrating the prevention of childhood overweight using cloud-based applications and information, therefore, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be positively focused to play a crucial role in raising awareness, educating, and monitoring dietary habits. This project aims to create a web platform designed to offer pre-established nutrition plans by child nutrition specialists, addressed to elementary school students who will be monitored by the educational institution. The goal is to promote and strengthen healthy eating habits among students, thus addressing the issue of childhood obesity in Mexico and providing strategies that benefit public health in general.</p> Luis Alberto León Bañuelos, Gabriela González-Vázquez, Hortencia Alejandra Bastida-González Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Alberto León Bañuelos, Gabriela González-Vázquez, Hortencia Alejandra Bastida-González Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Machine Learning for the detection of risk situations through the use of dating apps among university students <p>In the current era of social media, human communication and interactions have largely shifted to the virtual realm. However, this transition has also given rise to the emergence of violent behaviors, which saw a significant increase during the global COVID-19 pandemic. This research project arises to address the growing concerns regarding safety and the prevention of risky situations on dating applications. In this endeavor, students from various academic programs at the Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Valle de Bravo (TESVB) actively participate, providing a comprehensive view of the use of dating apps in a university setting. The analysis of the collected information will enable the identification of behavioral patterns and signs of violent tendencies among Tinder users. It is essential to comprehend the current dynamics of online interactions and contribute to the development of measures that encompass not only romantic relationships but also friendships and other types of relationships, by implementing data collection instruments and data analysis tools to visualize the experiences and perceptions of dating app users, especially young university students, who may have different perspectives on the risky situations they encounter in their virtual, family, and academic environment.</p> Mariana Carolyn Cruz Mendoza, Roberto Ángel Meléndez Armenta, Narendra Velázquez Carmona Copyright (c) 2023 Mariana Carolyn Cruz Mendoza, Roberto Ángel Meléndez Armenta, Narendra Velázquez Carmona Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Dreamscape: gamifying cognitive functions <p>One of the significant challenges faced by people with Down syndrome is the presence of weaknesses in cognitive functions, including memory, attention, problem solving, and executive skills. These cognitive weaknesses can limit people’s ability to fully participate in education, daily life and social interaction, and in turn face various challenges associated with cognitive weaknesses such as learning limitations, reduced independence, communication difficulties, lack of autonomy and work challenges. In many foundations that assist people with Trisomy 21, teaching is based on traditional approaches such as the Troncoso method, which is often characterized by its repetitiveness and lack of variety, which represents a scarcity of effective and attractive tools for learning, which can restrict their potential development. Through the Dreamscape tool, the aim is to verify the improvement of cognitive, attention and language functions in people with Down syndrome. It was based on an experimental design that evaluated the impact of Dreamscape, where tests were applied with the game on different occasions, evaluating cognitive skills such as attention and language. The evaluated subjects showed significant improvements in these skills after interacting with the games. This project represents an important step towards creating inclusive and exciting solutions for cognitive development, highlighting gamification in education to improve cognitive health.</p> Patricia Guadalupe Gamboa Rodríguez, Oscar Homero Betanzos Valenzuela, Aurora Moreno Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2023 Patricia Guadalupe Gamboa Rodríguez, Oscar Homero Betanzos Valenzuela, Aurora Moreno Rodríguez Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Procrastination in university students: Role of self-esteem, self-efficacy beliefs, and achievement motivation <p>Procrastination implies a behavioral pattern of delay in carrying out previously planned activities. This tendency is influenced by various conditions, however, there are others that can act in the opposite direction and promote more adaptive behaviors. The objective of the present study was to identify procrastination levels in university students and determine their relationship with self-esteem, self-efficacy beliefs and achievement motivation. It is based on a quantitative methodology, a non-experimental, cross-sectional design with a descriptive-correlational scope. 319 university students from public schools participated; Rosenberg’s (1965) Self-esteem Scales, Baessler and Schwarzer’s (1996) General Self-Efficacy Scales, Achievement, Power and Affiliation Motivation Scales (Steers and Braunstein, 1976), and the General Procrastination Scale (Busko, 1998) were used. The application was carried out collectively within the classrooms, with the prior informed consent of the participants. The results show the predominance of procrastinating behavior patterns in the participants. At the same time, there are negative correlations of procrastination with self-esteem, self-efficacy beliefs, and achievement motivation reported, which means that the more positive the personal worth, the better self-efficacy beliefs and the greater the achievement motivation, the less tendency to delay activities planned by adolescents. It is concluded that university students are at risk given their predominantly delaying behaviors; however, self-esteem, self-efficacy and achievement motivation are seen as powerful resources that can promote healthy behaviors, since they act as protective factors against procrastination, when an inverse relationship is found.</p> Marisol Morales Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2023 Marisol Morales Rodríguez Mon, 09 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Meanings and practices of philosophical thinking in elementary school <p>Analysis of the educational practice, based on opinions, experiences, conceptions and proposals. It reflects the purpose of philosophy in educational processes and collegiate spaces for teacher training. It was elaborated with the support of the constructivist paradigm, pointing out meanings, philosophical practices and their value as a pedagogical strategy. There is an approach to the historicity of philosophy, the origins and foundations of critical thinking; furthermore, an analysis of some researchers contributions to the field of the relationship between philosophy and education. Its theoretical orientation comprises the relationship between philosophical thinking and pedagogical mediation. It considers information from teachers and the context of regular and intentional educational practice. It is based on an interpretive study with a qualitative methodological plan.</p> María Elena García Rivas, Jorge Luis Ramos Montenegro Copyright (c) 2023 María Elena García Rivas, Jorge Luis Ramos Montenegro Thu, 11 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Ideology and philosophy in teachers with an Educational Science degree <p>This research project proposal seeks to explain how it is that the teachers in charge of the learning units with philosophical content, in the Bachelor of Education Sciences of the Autonomous University of Baja California, have ideologically constructed their conceptions of education and the relationship between educational sciences, philosophy, and philosophy of education, as well as the impact that all this has on its didactics and discursive practice. The analysis and interpretation of the information collected will be carried out through philosophical conceptual frameworks related to the construction and hermeneutics of the subject, as well as the conceptual developments of the concept of philosophy, seeking to integrate the exercise of reflection philosophy and educational science practice.</p> Julio César Reyes Sánchez Copyright (c) 2023 Julio César Reyes Sánchez Thu, 11 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 An analysis and interpretation of the pedagogical knowledge of the content present in the intervention of two educators when teaching measurement <p>This research is about the teaching of measurement in preschool education, its objective is to analyze and interpret the pedagogical knowledge of the content present in the educators’ classes when teaching measurement. Like the literature specialized in the teaching of mathematics, it can be affirmed that to teach a content it is not enough to know what is taught, but it is necessary to have a specific knowledge from the teachers, which is called <em>pedagogical knowledge of the content</em>. This research report focuses on the knowledge of educators when teaching measurement in preschool. Measurement has been a content with little presence in the classrooms since other contents such as counting take precedence. It is qualitative research, through a case study, the pedagogical knowledge of the content present in the didactic planning and in the classes of two educators who belong to a rural school area was analyzed and interpreted. Through the analysis, the CPC categories proposed by Carrillo et al. (2014) are identified by favoring measurement in their students and new categories emerge. These findings allow to have a reference of the knowledge that the educators have acquired during their initial and continuous training to benefit this content.</p> <p><em> </em></p> Sayra María Maldonado, Evelia Reséndiz Balderas Copyright (c) 2023 Sayra María Maldonado, Evelia Reséndiz Balderas Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Training needs to favor an education without BAP <p>The inclusive education is highlighted in the NEM –<em>New Mexican School</em>– with a legal basis in the Third article of the Constitution, which indicates that it will be inclusive by taking into account various capacities, circumstances and needs of the students; it also considers, based on the principle of accessibility, reasonable adjustments and specific measures to be implemented with the aim of eliminating learning and participation barriers –in Spanish, <em>BAP</em>–. This constitutional precept confronts the social, economic and cultural inequalities of the marginal rural and urban context where the nine schools in which this research was carried out are located. The commitment of the teaching staff is noticeable, they make an effort to meet administrative, academic, cultural and social requirements, but anguish is also observed due to the inequality of support that urban schools have for the attention of students with disabilities, some are found in remote communities that do not have the support from USAER –Regular Education Support Services Unit– teams. From this reason arose the concern to detect the training needs of teaching staff to develop an education without BAP, which refer to all the difficulties experienced by any student; these BAP are considered to arise from the interaction between the students and the contexts: people, policies, institutions, cultures and social and economic circumstances that affect their lives; they do not refer to characteristics inherent to the student, rather to organizational, regulatory, administrative, pedagogical, physical and attitudinal conditions.</p> Iris Arminee Coronel Morales, María Rosa Avitia Espadas, Ma. Teresa Avitia Espadas Copyright (c) 2023 Iris Arminee Coronel Morales, María Rosa Avitia Espadas, Ma. Teresa Avitia Espadas Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Educational policies from the care approach for the inclusion of mother and father students of the University of Sonora <p>The following reflection emerges from an ongoing investigation on the configuration of the academic trajectories of graduates belonging to the national postgraduate system (NPS) who exercised maternity or paternity during their training process in the four main higher education institutions (HEI) of Sonora. This text intends to contribute to the discussion by proposing the relevance of inclusive educational policies being observed from the perspective of care, taking the case of the University of Sonora since it recently included in its Institutional Development Plan (2021-2025) the commitment to create strategies that positively impact their mother and/or pregnant students, in a context where the perception of the student body regarding the progress in co-responsibility policies in this IES is 0.5 on a scale from 0 to 5 (ONIGIES, 2020). It was identified that care activities are understood as issues related to the private sphere and therefore feminine, which has implications for women from the admission process. Family support networks emerge as a determining factor in the configuration of academic trajectories and that made school achievement possible. The tensions of the mother/father-graduate student role are glimpsed in a scenario where few HEI have the institutional mechanisms that contemplate the sociocultural demands that are assigned to care in a differentiated way for men and women.</p> Lizeth Gabriela Gámez Grijalva, Blanca Aurelia Valenzuela Copyright (c) 2023 Lizeth Gabriela Gámez Grijalva, Blanca Aurelia Valenzuela Thu, 01 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Prevalence of neuromythes in eighth semester teachers in training <p>Neuromyths are commonly erroneous beliefs which are constantly given credit to, being accepted by the population as a reliable source of information, as well as contributing to pseudoscientific practice within education. The objective of this research is to investigate the prevalence of adherence to certain neuromyths in a sample of teachers in training in the eighth semester. The interpretations that have been made from the field of neuroscience to the classroom and even more to the concrete application of this learning have faced a great series of limitations, starting with the implementation and creation of ineffective methodological strategies, loss of economic resources, inappropriate adjustments to the curriculum, and finally, the misinterpretation and simplification of concepts and findings that are given from this field to the classroom. <em>Methodology:</em> The paradigm from which the research is carried out is quantitative with a cross-sectional, descriptive, and observational approach; a data collection form was used to determine the level of prevalence in neuromyths and general knowledge about the brain, to a sample non-probabilistic study to 77 teachers in training of bachelor’s degrees in Primary Education, Preschool and Educational Inclusion. The results obtained prove that teachers in training present a strong belief in more than half of the neuromyths, on the other hand, in the general knowledge about the brain, a high recognition of their answers about its functioning and implications in the teaching-learning process was obtained.</p> Grecia Coral Sandoval Grajeda, Ruth Nohemí Oros Macías, César Delgado Valles Copyright (c) 2023 Grecia Coral Sandoval Grajeda, Ruth Nohemí Oros Macías, César Delgado Valles Thu, 01 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Writing in the university: educational proposals from the students’ perspective <p>Summaries, syntheses, written exams, clinical reports and essays are just some of the writing tasks that are requested to university students and that are included as mediums of teaching, learning and evaluation in the curriculum. However, diverse difficulties that students experience when they write are recognized because each discipline establishes discursive and conceptual characteristics that are approached for the first time. This work is inscribed in the line of academic literacy and provides the students’ view on how and who is responsible for teaching writing at the university. The results of a mixed research conducted with a group of university students attending a curricular class on the teaching of writing are shown. The aim was to identify difficulties and solution proposals of university students in the situation of procrastination, avoidance and anxiety when facing writing assignments requested by teachers of curricular courses that are currently being developed in virtual mode. Thus, proposals for institutional actions and pedagogical conditions were recovered to face difficulties.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span></p> Elsa Xanat Contreras López, Olga López Pérez, Elsa Edith Zalapa Lúa Copyright (c) 2023 Elsa Xanat Contreras López, Olga López Pérez, Elsa Edith Zalapa Lúa Sat, 03 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Equivalence of graduate profiles of engineering careers with the proposed national qualifications framework for higher education <p>The objective of this research is to compare the qualifications declared in the graduation profiles of engineering careers from a non-traditional university with the proposal of the National Framework of Qualifications for higher education (in Spanish, MNC). The experience of the comparative exercise using the MNC as a model makes it possible to measure the convergence of the qualifications declared in the graduation profiles, the object of referencing the professional training of the future engineer in the productive-technological society, providing the necessary information to evaluate and develop continuous improvement strategies, in view of granting certifications consistent with national and international standards.</p> Luciano Montiel Reyes Copyright (c) 2023 Luciano Montiel Reyes Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Knowledge and beliefs about COVID-19 and their relationship with learning barriers <p>Under the premise that it is important to continue sensitizing and educating the population on how to prevent and control potential future pandemics such as COVID-19, as well as to promote accurate and evidence-based information about the disease, this article focused on identifying the constructs that shape the pandemic and its relationship with learning barriers in the areas of family and school competencies among university students. The methodology used was quantitative, employing a cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational design. 320 surveys were administered during the third phase of the COVID-19 pandemic using non-probabilistic convenience sampling, selecting elements based on their accessibility. The statistical analyses conducted in this study validate that there is a good level of knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic; however, a high degree of learning barriers was found in relation to the school environment, and, to a lesser extent, learning barriers were observed in the family sphere. Pearson correlation analysis revealed a significant and directly proportional relationship between beliefs about COVID-19 and family and school learning barriers. Furthermore, confirmatory factor analysis demonstrates a well-fitting model consisting of four factors. These relationships among the analyzed constructs offer relevant information for the design of strategies and actions that promote effective learning.</p> Lilia Sánchez Rivera, Marta Nieves Espericueta Medina, María Cristina Cepeda González Copyright (c) 2023 Lilia Sánchez Rivera, Marta Nieves Espericueta Medina, María Cristina Cepeda González Mon, 21 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Towards a conceptualization of teacher identity <p>The purpose of this article is to show an overview of the different conceptualizations that make reference to teacher identity today. For this, a theoretical-epistemological review is made, considering the main disciplines, perspectives, authors, concepts, and characteristics that intervene in the identity construction process of teachers. In this manner, the concept of <em>teacher identity</em> is evaluated, considering four categories of methodological analysis: a) the multidisciplinary and polysemic character of teacher identity, b) the concept of self within teacher identity, c) English-speaking, Spanish-speaking and French-speaking conceptual perspectives, and finally d) characterization of teacher identity. For this documentary research analysis, sources of information in Spanish, English and French languages were considered, making sure to have a broader and international vision. Similarly, recent articles were taken into account, however, the consultation of primary authors and sources were done when necessary, with the intention of providing a more holistic and inclusive search for teacher identity. Thanks to this theoretical review, it can be concluded that the concept of teacher identity is extensively studied worldwide, due to the post-pandemic historical and social context. Therefore, it demonstrates the relevance that the object of study in question continues to have within educational research.</p> Miguel Escamilla Ricalday Copyright (c) 2023 Miguel Escamilla Ricalday Fri, 13 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The acquisition of infinitive and gerund as complements in ESL by Mexican undergraduates <p>Metalinguistic awareness has been assessed primarily throughout metalinguistic knowledge and grammaticality judgment tests. Then, very limited research has been conducted on the attempt to understand how metalinguistic awareness may be developed among adolescents or young adults in verbal group reflection tasks. The present study aims to explore the performance of university students when they reflect on gerund and infinitive complements in English as L2 while they complete consciousness-raising grammar tasks with the intention to develop their metalinguistic awareness. The study links a sociocultural framework with semi-structured stimulated recall interviews on the development of metalinguistic awareness, as both help participants reflect on usage patterns and generalizations of underlying linguistic structures through verbal interaction. The evaluated data consisted of the scores of each task and the speech analysis of the participants. The results reveal that having students identify the underlying rules of gerund and infinitive complements will indirectly contribute to their acquisition. The conclusions pointed to students paying attention to specific features of the language to be fully aware of the form of the linguistic patterns.</p> Selene Maya Ruiz Copyright (c) 2023 Selene Maya Ruiz Tue, 17 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Systematic literature review and emerging trends of Six Sigma in the field of healthcare <p>This article presents a bibliometric analysis focused on the Six Sigma methodology, using the PubMed and Medline search engine and the Biblioshiny software (RStudio) to explore indexed publications over the past three decades. The aim of this systematic literature review is to identify outstanding publications, documents, and authors openly addressing topics related to Six Sigma. Despite having identified influential authors, there is limited attention from the community in this field. Recently the Six Sigma community has expanded its focus to the healthcare sector, contrasting with its historical application in manufacturing and services, which were previously treated separately. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the intense pressure on the effectiveness of healthcare systems. In response, recent research is driving the learning and adoption of the Six Sigma methodology to ensure quality in the healthcare domain. The contribution of this work is considered a valuable addition to the current discourse and interest in learning and applying Six Sigma in the healthcare field.</p> Aaron Guerrero Campanur, Francisco Jesús Arévalo Carrasco, Gilberto Chávez Esquivel Copyright (c) 2023 Aaron Guerrero Campanur, Francisco Jesús Arévalo Carrasco, Gilberto Chávez Esquivel Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Study habits and academic performance in engineering students <p>In the educational field, the relationship between students’ study habits and their academic performance has been the subject of extensive research. The present study examines this relationship using as a statistical method the Simonetti study habits inventory and Spearman’s Rho correlation coefficient. The analysis was carried out with 103 students from the Renewable Energy Engineering educational program and the Electronic Engineering educational program. The results revealed a non-significant correlation between study habits and academic performance of the participants (? = 0.175, p &gt; 0.05). This suggests that, in our sample of students, no statistically significant association was found between the way students approach their study habits and their academic performance. The idea that study habits do not play an important role in the academic performance of students can be concluded from this study. Although the correlation is modest, its statistical significance underscores the importance of encouraging effective study strategies among students. Furthermore, variations in the correlation of demographic factors point to the need for specific approaches for students’ groups with different needs. These findings have important implications for the decision making process in education and design of academic support programs, such as counseling.</p> Jorge Benjamín Magaña Zaldívar, Elma Guadalupe Yam Huh, Jesus Eduardo Cardenas Ortega Copyright (c) 2023 Jorge Benjamín Magaña Zaldívar, Elma Guadalupe Yam Huh, Jesus Eduardo Cardenas Ortega Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The entrepreneurship of administration students at the TESVB <p><em>Problem:</em> The students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Administration at TESVB experience great difficulty and even despair when they are required to apply the knowledge obtained in the different previous subjects in the Business Plan, the topics and subtopics included in the business plan are too many and lack order, the time allocated is limited (three months) and it is also difficult for them to form an effective work team that can sustain their enterprise. <em>Objective:</em> To diagnose the past performance of the students of the last two generations of the Bachelor’s Degree in Administration of TESVB, in the elaboration and execution of business plans. <em>Objective:</em> Diagnose the past performance of students of the last two generations of the TESVB Bachelor of Administration, in the development and execution of business plans. <em>Methodology:</em> It began with the documentary analysis of the contributions and experiences of specialists in the subject of preparing business plans to know the state of the art, the design of an instrument for collecting information, which was validated with the statistical coefficient called Cronbach’s Alpha, the population was determined, the sample size was calculated and the appropriate type of sampling was selected, subsequently the measurement instrument was applied with the Google Forms application and teachers involved in the topics of entrepreneurship and business plans that have been advisors or judges, the information was finally processed and analyzed. <em>Results:</em> The strengths generated by the preparation of a business plan...</p> Adrián Santos García, Adalberto González Flores, Josefina Hernández Sánchez Copyright (c) 2023 Adrián Santos García, Adalberto González Flores, Josefina Hernández Sánchez Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Values and life goals: An empirical study with University students <p>Values are a dynamic system of abstract concepts that guide human behavior and are constantly worked on in education, while life goals are a perspective about the direction people want their lives to take. The objective of this study is to describe and link the most important values and life goals for students from four schools of the Autonomous University of Coahuila located in the city of Monclova. The research is quantitative, descriptive and correlational. An <em>ad hoc</em> instrument was designed for the study, consisting of 22 values and 20 life objectives. The results showed that the most important values were respect, justice, responsibility, sincerity and honesty, and the least important ones were patience, enthusiasm, optimism, saving and obedience. The most important objectives were family well-being, personal development, having a home, professional success and having fun, while the least important ones were having power, getting married, having children, being famous and going into politics. Women had a significantly higher average in 13 values and 7 life objectives, while men only had a higher average in the objective regarding having children. Significant relationships were found between values and life goals. In conclusion, the values that have the most impact on the lives of university students are related to professional, personal and family development.</p> Angel Gerardo Charles Meza, Jesús Alberto García García, María del Consuelo Salinas Aguirre Copyright (c) 2023 Angel Gerardo Charles Meza, Jesús Alberto García García, María del Consuelo Salinas Aguirre Mon, 09 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Educational policies and information and communication technologies in Uruguay <p>The objective of this paper is to present an analysis of the educational policies proposed in the national educational policy plan of Uruguay, considering as central categories the development of 1) innovation and 2) information and communication technologies (ICT), through a qualitative documentary methodology. The results show that the Nation starts from the principles of an education that is comprehensive, egalitarian and of quality, stated in the 2030 Agenda, developing innovation and the incorporation of ICT in the axes, lines of action and national strategies, adapting the agendas to contextual needs. It is concluded that understanding the symbiosis between innovation and ICT requires a deep analysis that visualizes the way in which these concepts are linked, connected and reconnected, directing the proposals towards improving learning and equal opportunities.</p> Zaira Navarrete Cazales, Héctor Manuel Manzanilla-Granados, Paola Andrea López-Hernández Copyright (c) 2023 Zaira Navarrete Cazales, Héctor Manuel Manzanilla-Granados, Paola Andrea López-Hernández Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Strengths and weaknesses of academic cooperation at the University of Sonora <p>The aim of this study was to focus on the exploration of the mechanism of international academic cooperation, which has been promoted by the University of Sonora (UNISON). The overarching intention was to unravel and examine the inherent motivations, strategies employed, and impacts generated by both bilateral and multilateral agreements, with the aspiration of delineating the predominant style of cooperation within this educational institution. The theoretical and conceptual underpinning of the research was grounded in the postulates of power dependence theory and neoinstitutionalism. Methodologically, the research adopted a qualitative approach. To achieve this, a meticulous systematization of official documents was essential, a task facilitated by the use of maxqda 2020 software, which served as the tool for the collection and analysis of available information from the 1993-2021 period. This information encompassed institutional development plans, reports of outcomes produced by Rectors, and evaluation reports of results from the period 2014-2020. To deepen the study of this process and provide a holistic view of the multiple perspectives of university actors, interviews were conducted with high-level officials. Their role as institutional administrators proves to be a crucial factor in the realization of international cooperation actions.</p> Juan Pablo Durand Villalobos, María Teresa López Báez Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Pablo Durand Villalobos, María Teresa Lopez Baez Mon, 21 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Higher education in Mexico: compulsory, free education and social mobility <p>The Mexican educational system grapples with a variety of core issues in its operation, largely stemming from the social and economic context that has evolved in the country during the latter half of the 20th century and the early decades of the 21st century. Higher education, traditionally a mechanism for social mobility, also reflects these challenges. This article focuses on issues related to coverage, specifically how the increased mandatory nature of certain educational levels has generated greater demand from the corresponding population, particularly in higher education. Lastly, we examine some strategies that may address this demand in the medium term.</p> José Eduardo Perezchica Vega Copyright (c) 2023 José Eduardo Perezchica Vega Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000